Stroptel, s.r.o.News / CODE OF CONDUCT



STROPTEL will consider cooperating only with suppliers which act ethically, respect Human rights and conform to the following rules:


All employees shall be treated rightfully regardless of their job responsibilities and business position. Similar rules apply to relations with people outside the company. The employees shall not discriminate others on the basis of their age, gender, race, nationality, religion, disability, origin, marital status; offend coworkers or other people verbally, physically or in any other way; sexual harassment or mobbing shall not take place; an employee shall not spread hearsay or false information about coworkers or other people.

Openness and communication

Supplier promotes proper communication amongst employees and contractors based on openness and respect. Every employee should report his or her remarks to the supervisor. The company places great emphasis on honesty, not only towards coworkers but clients, suppliers and itself.


Payment is distributed in accordance with labor law provisions.

Children and young workers

Supplier does not employ children or support the use of child labor. That excludes initiatives such as government approved youth training schemes (e.g. work-experience programs). The minimum age of employment shall be 18 years of age. The company does not use employees under 18 years of age for hazardous work.

Competition and antitrust law

Supplier supports the quality and price competition. The Company is committed to conducting business in an open and honest manner. Complying with antitrust norms and regulations on fair competition requires that employees abide to the following rules:

a) do not accept, disclose or use competitive information in breach of a confidentiality agreement between a third party and competitors

b) do not accept any competitive agreements to fix prices, share the market, etc.

c) do not abet clients to obtain products or services that do not meeting their needs

d) provide client with detailed and solid information on quality, functions and availability of offered products

Corruption and Bribery

Company’s achievements, reliability and quality of products and services constitutes a base for business relations. Both workers and contractors are not allowed to affect a decision-making person by unlawful financing, ravishment or doing favors with the intention of influencing a third party to obtain or retain business or a business advantage, or to reward the provision or retention of business or a business advantage, or in explicit or implicit exchange for favors or benefits.

Company employees are obliged not to offer any bribes either financial, material or any other in order to gain any commercial, contractual, regulatory or personal advantage, especially given in secret. Gifts should not be offered to, or accepted from, government officials or representatives, contractors or their relatives when they aim at "facilitation" or expenditure of a routine procedure; with the expectation or hope that a business advantage will be received, or to reward a business advantage already given.

Donations and grants

Financial grants may only be awarded to the party officially permitted to generate surplus revenues (like charitable or non-profit organizations), and the support may be provided in compliance under law in force. Moreover, donations should be officially accepted by the granted institution and fully documented together with an allocation affirmation. Such funds may under no circumstances be transferred to private accounts.

Conflicts of interest

Conflicts of interest can be defined as any situation in which inconsistency between the interests of a person arises in connection with the performance of his or her duties. Such competing interests can make it difficult for a person to fulfill his or her duties impartially. It can be also defined as any situation in which an individual, corporation or their relatives are in a position to exploit a professional or official capacity in some way for their personal or corporate benefit. Our suppliers do their best to fulfill their duties reliably and not to harm the goodwill of a company. They avoid situations that can lead to a conflict of interest

Confidentiality and data protection

Supplier adheres to data protection principles. Its employee are responsible for protection of entrusted data.

Probity towards people outside the company

All people outside the company, e.g. clients, suppliers, competitors shall be treated in a respectful and proper manner. One shall restrain from using unreal, misleading or offending expressions towards the third parties. Supplier treats business partners in a rightful way, and puts quality of their products and services as a base for business relations.

Health and safety

Supplier places great emphasis on ensuring proper working conditions and health and safety for all employees. The company takes necessary steps aimed at identification and prevention of potential occupational hazards, including constant assessment and improvement of working area to reduce risk.


Supplier is actively involved in environmental protection and sustainable development of reduction of negative environmental impact reduction in its locations. It shall perform regulatory compliance both related to operating in countries and its internal procedures and rules.

Third party rights

The Supplier when manufacturing components for STROPTEL must not infringe the rights of third parties (e.g., work on illegal software, stolen equipment or technologies). The provisions of Code of Conduct are presented to every supplier. STROPTEL expects proper business communication and cooperation free from intentions and actions aimed at corruption and bribery. In case of infringement of the code of conduct rules, STROPTEL has a right to execute liabilities from suppliers. The method and scope of sanction depends upon the degree of code violation, as well as legal obligations.


The management of STROPTEL recognizes that the life, health and safety of employees is very important, and therefore makes every effort to provide them with safe and hygienic working conditions. The same is required of STROPTEL Business Partners, in particular:

1. Preventing accidents, occupational diseases and other near misses through regular inspections of working conditions, carrying out risk analysis and implementing appropriate actions. The participation and commitment of employees should be important in these activities.

2. Activities in relation to compliance with the legal regulations and other requirements applicable in the course of the business.

3. Allocating the necessary resources and funds for the implementation of programs and tasks to achieve health and safety goals



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